Choosing A Contractor
The contractor locator program is designed to help homeowners find professional contractors in their area. Referred contractors are independent contractors and are not employees of Velocity Boiler Works. We want your experience with Velocity Boiler Works to be a positive one. Please take a look at our suggestions below to help ensure a great experience.
When choosing a contractor, a great place to start is to consider what industry-related certifications that contractor holds. For example, NATE-certified contractors pass rigorous tests representing real-world working knowledge of installation, maintenance and service requirements for modern heating and cooling systems. Some other industry-related certifications include HVAC Excellence, EPA 608, BPI and more.
Other considerations:
- Is the contractor licensed, bonded and insured? License requirements vary on both the state and local municipality level.
- Are there references available from the contractor?
- Will the contractor provide a detailed written cost estimate?
- Does the contractor explain the warranty coverage on the installation?
- Does the contractor offer extended warranties on the product?
- Does the contractor offer financing?
You must acknowledge the following disclaimer before using the Contractor Locator:
The Contractor Locator service provides help for you to locate and potentially purchase products/services from companies in your geographic area who chose to respond to an offer from Velocity Boiler Works to list their business.
Velocity Boiler Works does not, however, control these independent retailers and we do not provide any assurance, warranty or guarantee of any kind that you will be satisfied with their workmanship or services.
We advise you to exercise your own judgment and investigate, as you deem necessary, before proceeding with any transaction with any of these contractors. In the event you need additional assistance in finding a contractor, contact your local manufacturers’ sales representative.
By clicking the button below, I affirm that I have read the above and agree to the conditions.
Locate a Contractor