Is there a soft lockout error #17 or Hard Lockout 19?
When the boiler is powered up (turned on) does the inducer fan run for a short time and turn off?
Create a heat or DHW demand by turning up a thermostat or running enough hot water from the tank. Did the inducer fan start?
Touch the status button on the display. Scroll right with the right arrow button until you see “Trends”. Touch the “Fan Rate” button. In the upper right hand side of the screen are teo sets of numbers are they about the same?
Ignore as it is normal if the boiler shuts down while the inducer fan is in the process of changing speeds when the boiler shuts down.
Does not appear to be a problem with the inducer fan.
Unplug the 4 wire connector from the induced draft blower. Does the fan ramp up to full speed?
Unplug the 3 wire connector to the fan assembly. Test voltage from Black to White. Is 120Vac present?
Replace the inducer fan.
Check neutral wire in junction box.
Verify the black wire is 120Vac hot, white is 120Vac neutral and green is the ground wire.